Kexin Li (Cassie)

Master of Applied Science at University of Toronto
PixelArt (2022) Finished
Tech: Python 3, Blender
It is undergrad 4th-year capstone project. We developed a general algorithm for synthetic static graphical data generation that accepts valid 3D objects. We also developed neural networks for object detection and lens blur effect. We then verified the quality of generated dataset on lens blur image processing application. Our project was one of the top projects that year and got the Certificate of Distinction.
RECTNet (2020) Finished
Tech: Python 3
It is an emotion detection AI model developed by Rain, Evan, Cassie and Tim (RECT). We developed multiple AI models for face detection and emotion detection with the technique of transfer learning. The Web APP is available at We used Affectnet as our database to train our models.
Project Link
LegUp High-Level Synthesis (2019) Finished
Tech: C++, Python 3
I upgraded LegUp to include Stratix10 board support and implemented register insertion techniques after the chosen instructions in the latest version of LegUp. I also optimized algorithms to reduce wall-clock time by taking advantage of the register-rich routing architecture of the new Intel FPGA Stratix10 board. I improved LLVM compiler by adding additional passes using C++. In addition, I conducted simulations and collected benchmark results efficiently by writing Python scripts.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mapping Service (2019)Finished
Tech: C++
It is an integrated project of map design. It is a team project accomplished by a group of three. The project is entirely programmed in C++ from UI design to back-end programming. The project incorporates the use of gtk, libcurl, EZGL for graphics and data. The use of algorithms such as A*, greedy, k-opt, etc. solves classic TSP problem. The features of this map include all the basic features other State of Arts (e.g. Google Maps)have, such as map-changing, IP Geolocation, multi-functional search bar, help button, pop-up window, etc. Our map also inmplemented 3D streetview and 3D tour. The future development would be augmented reality. Project Link
Game of Life (2019)Finished
Tech: C & FPGA
This is a team project accomplished by the team of two. The project collaborates with the use of FPGA keys and PS2 Keyboard. The player can choose the game mode, observe the survival of germs, start again or end the game. This is a simple game using the knowledge of polling and interrupt, as well as some software programming logic. It indicates a starting point of embedded programming. Responsive image
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Forum (2019) Ongoing
Tech: Python(Django), HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This is a website/system that allows people to create account to be able to login and post questions on the discussion board. People are able to post questions, answer questions and vote for questions or answers freely. This project has just been initialized and details will be added to it soon.
Project Link
Music Game Integrated with FPGA (2018) Finished
Tech: Verilog & FPGA
The design is a combination of five parts, namely the video input, PS2 keyboard input, game logic, VGA display output, and audio output. Video input and VGA display output interact directly with the game logic, video input provides the real position and VGA’s finite state machine (FSM) logic provides the expected position, game logic compares them and updates the score. Then it outputs a signal to the VGA’s FSM and displays the score on the screen. The PS2 keyboard input interacts with both VGA output and audio output, controlling the speed of the game through Rate Divider and select a song to be played. Project Link
WeChat Mini Program (2018) Finished
Tech: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This is a program that allows users to share videos on the social media. Users can create their own account and password. They can upload their profile pictures and videos. More functions are waiting to be updated.
Project Link
Small-scaled Python project to fetch information from websites (2018)Finished
Tech: Python, Regular Expression
This is a program that can fetch the name of anchors and number of audience from a website's HTML script using web scraper. The principle of this program is the combination of regular expression and Python, which simplifies the part of data analysis. After analyzing the data, it is able to get the popularity of the anchors.
Project Link
Mann Museum design team with professor Steve Mann (2018)Finished
Tech: HTML
It is a research team that does research on professor Mann's work, such as virtual reality, High Dynamic Range(HDR), etc. and proposes ideas on the construction of Mann's Museum in Shenzhen, China.
Project Link
Method of delivering a learning program to Haiti (2018)Finished
As a team, we initiated a pilot program to deliver Khan Academy to Haiti for Haitian NGO Centre d’Inspiration Jeunesse. Since I was the project manager, it was my responsibility to communicate amongst team members and the client. In the end, we proposed a new energy system that works in conditions without electricity or light. Responsive image
Contact Me
Last update on March 13, 2023.
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